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Have Questions?

Most game questions can be answered or have already been answered on the Forums or the website itself, please check these locations first!

If you are having technical website issues and need assistance, please contact the WebWizards!

If you have game questions or concerns that have not been answered or addressed in the aforementioned places, please contact PORTAL’s Player Representatives!

Have an idea about something you’d like to see In Game? Questions about creating your character, your character history? Is there something you’d like for your character to do, achieve, somewhere they’d like to visit or quest?  Talk to Plot!

FAQ: Do I have to create a character and register for an event to attend?

Nope! But it helps!
You can do all of those things at the event, but if you know you will be wanting to play a PC at some point during the event, creating your character ahead of time is highly recommended; it saves so much time for playing!

If you are planning on NPCing for the full event, registering online will secure your Full Time NPC spot. All Full Time NPCs receive one free PC Skill Cycle during the event; having your character already created is always a time saver!

Latest Forum Announcement: "If planning to play your character at your first event, but haven't yet created one, please have a race and some starting skills in mind before you arrive!"


– Logistics, Announcements Forum

FAQ: How do I "Come Into Game" as my PC for the first time?

As someone who is Out of Game, you will be wearing a white headband to signify you are Out of Game.
Once you have arrived at the Event, gone through Logistics, put your costuming on and gotten any weapons you may have approved, you may navigate to any designated Out of Game area (such as Logistics, etc).

Mentally prepare yourself to become your character! Remove your white headband and walk into an In Game area. You are now In Game, go have a BLAST!!!

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