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Latest Forum Announcement: "If planning to play your character at your first event, please have a race and some starting skills in mind before you arrive!"


– Logistics, Announcements Forum

Latest from the Forums

A brief glimpse into what is currently going on behind the Forum doors!



Here is where we post important PORTAL announcements.Check back often to keep updated with the latest goings on in and around the…


Organizational Rules of PORTAL

To ensure the best possible experience for all members, we have established some basic rules for participation…


2 Deaths?

Q: “Concerning the laws, what does the penalty “2 deaths” mean?”

A: Hello and great question! A “death” is a term used In Game by characters and often out of game by players, to describe when a character’s body dissipates and that character then resurrects. That process from death to resurrection is the “death”.

Specifically in this sense, “2 deaths” indicates a penalty where the criminal is executed, they are watched until their body dissipates, and they are greeted at a resurrection area (while they recuperate) with another execution. After their body disspates for the second time, they have fulfilled their punishment. Only the most remorseful and repentant criminals…

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