Who Do You Want To BEcome?
Twenty Playable Races
All with their own unique advantages, disadvantages, costuming and role-playing requirements, the races of Telemere are diverse and dynamic!
Choose Your New Self
The Races of Telemere
Who Will You Become?!
Sylvan Elves | Dark Elves | High Elves
Many long eons ago the first elves appeared on the world…
Barbarians | Zingari | Highlanders | Northmen | Humans | Torn Tribesmen
These six cultures make up the majority of the most prolific race found across Telemere…Humanity.
Hill Dwarves | Mountain Dwarves
Neutral and segregated from others, these folk are hardy and insular. Hill and mountain folk alike, these clan based people respect their local chieftains above other races’ kings and queens.
The Merry Folk
Hauflin are a merry folk who are crafty and make skilled artisans, though they may be slight of stature!
The Hauflins’ love of good food and drink is renowned and indeed these people are often found in a tavern indulging their desires.
What are you looking at?
The offspring of monstrous races and humans often find it hard to fit in, yet their lineage shines true in many aspects of their lives…
More About Half-Ogres
- +1 Strength Bonus
- +1 Damage Bonus with all weapons
- Half cost Stamina skill
- +3 Body Points for the first three Levels (+9 Body Points Total)
- Increased cost for Mage Basic Career Skill List (+10 Build Points)
- Double cost for all Arcane skills on the Mage Basic Career Skill List
- Increased cost for the Rogue Basic Career Skill List (+10 Build Points)
- Double cost for all Dexterity skills
- Double cost for all Literacy skills
- Cannot learn any Sorcery skills
- Cannot learn any Warlock skills
- Cannot learn any Spell Singing skills
- Cannot learn any Alchemy skills
Costume and Roleplaying Requirements:
The player must wear yellow makeup or makeup substitute (body suit, prosthetics, mask, etc.) on their face and all exposed skin.
Half Ogres are dim witted and naive; they take twice the normal time of In Game roleplay to learn skills.
More Details:
Half Ogres have a parent who was an Ogre and a parent who was a human.
These half breeds are exceptionally strong, very tough, and very proficient fighters with two handed weapons.
They are, however, in a word, dumb and lack the intelligence of their human parentage.
They find magic almost impossible to learn. Lacking in wit, nimbleness, and grace they find it difficult to learn Dexterity skills.
Most human societies fear these half breed and shun them; Ogres consider them weak runts who are too nice.
Often abused, very few Half Ogres find a place to live with people. They survive mostly by their strength and toughness, and all wise adventurers are very careful around an armed and armored Half Ogre ready for a fight.
Most Half Ogres are an expression of extremes, doing nothing in moderation.
Some are exceptionally kind and nonviolent while others are particularly cruel, but all are savage and fierce in combat or when angered.
More About Half-Elves
- Half cost weapon of choice
- -1 Body Points at Level 1
Costume and Roleplaying Requirements:
The player must wear pointy ears and no makeup.
Native Literacy: Common, Elven
More Details:
The result of a human and any elf, all Half Elves look similar. They have the same racial characteristics regardless of what kind of Elf the parent was.
These people are shunned by the elves and often find it hard to fit in with humans. Stuck between two worlds, they tend to be a lonely solitary people.
More About Half-Orcs
- +1 Strength Bonus, Non-Combinable
- +3 Body Points at Level 1
- Half cost Stamina skill
- Double cost for all Spell Singing skills
- Double cost for all Literacy Skills
Costume and Roleplaying Requirements
The player must wear green makeup or makeup substitute (body suit, mask, prosthethics) on their face and all exposed skin. Cannot wear a pig nose.
Native Literacy: Common
More Details:
Half Orcs are by far the most intelligent of the monstrous half breeds, and with great determination can learn magic.
They might not be as strong as a full Orc, but their intelligence allows them to survive and even thrive in Orc society.
They might not be as smart as humans, but their toughness and strength allows them to find their place in human society.
More About Half-Trolls
- +1 Strength Bonus
- +4 Body Points for the first four Levels
- +2 Damage Bonus with claws
- The Natural Claws skill
- Can learn Feat of Strength skill as a racial (can start the game with one purchase for 0 Build Points)
- Increased cost for Mage Basic Career Skill List (+10 Build Points)
- Increased cost for the Rogue Basic Career Skill List (+10 Build Points)
- Double cost for all Literacy skills
- Cannot learn any Sorcery skills
- Cannot learn any Warlock skills
- Cannot learn any Spell Singing skills
- Cannot learn any Alchemy skills
- Double effect from fire attacks
Costume and Roleplaying Requirements
The player must wear brown makeup or makeup substitute (body suit, prosthethics, mask, etc.) on their face and all exposed skin.
Slow to learn higher philosophical concepts.
Native Literacy: None.
More Details
Half Trolls are the toughest of the half breeds and quite strong; making them excellent warriors. Their low dexterity makes them somewhat unsuited to being rogues. They are more intelligent than Half Ogres and can learn some low magic, if not with difficulty, but they lack the intelligence and magical nature needed to wield high magic.
Along with their Troll parent’s strength, they share their vulnerability to fire. Like all half breeds, Half Trolls find it difficult to find a place in either Troll or Human societies, and like the Half Ogre, their savage natures tend to come through when their emotions run high.
Shape your future
Basic Careers